Stadia Reviews

Learn more about available (or soon to be released) games on Google Stadia. Check out our reviews on top Google Stadia games!

Avengers is on google stadia

Marvel’s Avengers Review

Marvel’s Avengers is the culmination of a very engaging and exciting story about the Avengers which are in demise and we only have Kamala Khan trying to bring them back in order to fight the Aim enemies. The game does a great job at sharing a unique story, even if the multiplayer part of the title was deemed as very repetitive and with its fair share of challenges.

Doom Eternal on Stadia

Doom Eternal Review

If you are an avid gamer you must know about the famous Doom series. The game was one of the earliest to be developed for the PC platform and millions of enthusiastic players have played it over the...

Cyberpunk 2077 on Google Stadia

Cyberpunk 2077 Review

If there’s one game that managed to showcase how incredible the gaming experience can be on next-gen platforms, that’s definitely Cyberpunk 2077. This is a game that has continually managed to...

life is strange remaster on stadia

Life is Strange Remastered Review

Life is Strange Remastered is the ultimate version for one of the most interesting and exciting adventure games in recent years. We get to go and experience the stories of Chloe price and Max Caulfield,...


République Review

République is an interesting mix of different genres where you get to explore a huge range of different features and ideas. At its core, this is an action adventure stealth game with an episodic...

Destroy All Humans on Google Stadia

Destroy All Humans! Review

Have you ever wanted to play a game where you are an alien destroying people’s lives? Destroy All Humans is the right title to try out then, as that’s all you have to do here. The remastered version...

Batman Arkham Knight on google stadia

Batman: Arkham Knight Review

Ever since Batman: Arkham Asylum was launched, we got a lot of great Batman games. The great thing is that the Batman: Arkham series has continued to grow and shine, and while Batman: Arkham Knight had...


Cthulhu Saves Christmas Review

Cthulhu Saves Christmas (Available now and free for Stadia Pro subscribers) is a very interesting, simple turn based JRPG comedy that uses some of the best and most innovative mechanics for 16 bit RPGs....

Stadia gaming

El Hijo – A Wild West Tale Review

El Hijo – A Wild West Tale is a very interesting, different game than what you would normally find on the market. This game seamlessly combines strategy, stealth, exploration and a variety of other...

little nightmares 2 on stadia

Little Nightmares 2 Review

Little Nightmares 2 is a combination between a platform and horror game, with some puzzle elements added in there for good measure. The game is created from the ground up with the idea of bringing you an...