Tag: ESO

ESO on Stadia

Elder Scrolls Online is the next free Pro game

It might come as a surprise to some but it’s now been announced that Elder Scrolls Online is coming to Google Stadia and it will be a free Pro game as well!

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The next expansion for Elder Scrolls Online is available now for some and releasing in June for others. It’s part of the Dark Heart of Skyrim year for Elder Scrolls Online and the new chapter titled Greymoor in the second part in a year-long adventure. The second part of the expansion into Skyrim released on May 26 for PC and Mac users while console players will get the expansion on June 9th.

Google Stadia players don’t need to wait much longer to experience the vast lands of Tamriel either as Bethesda has announced it’s coming very soon. ESO will be available for Stadia on June 16th where the base game and the Morrowind chapter will be free for Stadia Pro users.